Monday, August 14, 2006

Clovis News-Journal: Day 60, part 2

On one hand I was not looking forward to shooting this. On the other I wanted to try to make the best photos I could to tell their story. This time very different than the last one of these I covered. The family found out about their son on Friday, it was now Tuesday. They had more time to grieve before I came over. Also there was a lot more family at the parent's house. The family ranged from little kids running around playing with water guns to cousins and older uncles. While I was there several more family members came over. Each time someone new arrived they embraced the parents with a tear filled hug. I spent about 2 hours with the family. When I left, I thanked the parents for letting me into thier lives at this sensitive time. While talking to the parents, I almost broke down myself.

1 comment:

Ben McNeely said...

I must say, what is it about NM soldiers getting KIA in Iraq? Are there an disproportionate amount of reservists from NM there than anywhere else?

I like the flag-and-hug shot because of the emotion. From a writer's standpoint, I could stare at this photo and write an essay.

Simple composition -- but very effective.

However, because of the flag, it runs the risk of being too sentimental, almost cheesy. I wouldn't go for many of these.

Then again, I sorta did it myself, with my picture of the Cannon Mills smokestacks and the flag a day before they came down.

But readers like that -- so OK.

Are you going to cover this funeral as well?