Friday, June 02, 2006

Clovis News-Journal Day 14: The Rodeo part 1

Tonight was the first real day of the rodeo. I got to see first had things like steer roping, bronco riding, bull riding, goat ropin' and to top off the night (I mean the weirdest thing I saw) wild cow milking.

I probably should explain. Wild cow milking starts off like steer roping but with a dairy cow. One guy on a horse chases down the cow and tries to throw a rope around it's neck. Obviously, the cow isn't happy with this, so it tries to get away. Which is just like steer roping. Here's where the strange part happens. When the cow is roped, two other guys run out to try to hold the cow in place long enough for the horse rider to jump off and try to milk the cow. Now this is a 2000 lbs side of dairy beef and these are 3 200 lbs ish cowboys. I'll let you do the math. Odd and funny.

I'll start with another reason to be afraid of clowns.

1 comment:

Ray Black III said...

Hey, man. I really dig that cow-milking shot. It's properly strange, and I like that you've got the crowd in the extreme foreground. I digs it, my man.

I also like the blurry bucking bull with the dodge sign behind it. Not so big on the dodge sign (though I like the juxtaposition) but I like what you're doing with the low light there.

The clown picture... not so much. It's a real tough situation with the subject being in shadow and underexposed they way they are, but with the background exposed spot-on. It doesn't work for me because of how much time I spend looking at the background. After the initial sort of "what's in this picture" perusal, I spend a lot of time checking out that old dude on the right. MHO, anyway.