Saturday, September 09, 2006

Clovis News-Journal: Day 78: Mosquito Guy

Saturday was a very slow day and I had an extra day off because of labor day. It was nice basically having 3 1/2 days to veg out and take care of some things that had been building up.

My first assignment back was to hang out with the vector control officer for the city of clovis. He's the guy who wrangles mosquitos in these here parts. He was a pretty neat guy and I got to walk through the muck with him for a couple hours. I took a ton of photos not really caring how they turned out. After that assignment I felt pretty refreshed and ready to get back to things. There's something about just snapping off tons of photos while having a a good time that's very refreshing. I need to make sure I do that every once in a while.

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