Friday, September 15, 2006

Clovis News-Journal: Day 83

Today I had one mission and only one mission. That was to watch Arielle get eaten by bears.

I knew that wouldn't happen so I had to settle for taking photos at the circus. That was the only assignment I had. It was pretty nice for a change.

I've been feeling like I'm an observer and not part of my assignments lately. Like I'm there watching but no matter how hard I try, I can't get break down the wall of observer and really feel the event. That really was evident at the circus. Besides having problems getting physically close to what I was shooting, I didn't feel like I could mentally get close.

I really believe this caused my photos to suffer. Looking back I see the circus as me bottoming out and I'm ready to start climbing out from my hole of self doubt.

One of the first thoughts I had was about silhouettes. For the most part they seem pretty overdone, but fun to take. I had this idea that basically, what if silhouettes are amazing backgrounds with just something happening in the foreground that happens to be completely black. Almost like placing an out of focus object in the foreground. So the silhouette is just a framing /composition item.

I had this idea after I made these two photos, but they fall into what I'm thinking. They feel more like my New Mexico sky stuff than anything else.

1 comment:

Tim said...

i agree these feel like the new mexico sky stuff but i really like the first one. maybe this is a new direction in the NMS project, a way to take pretty pictures of the sky while stepping them up to the next level.

on a side note, my editor corrected me yesterday about the pronunciation of concord. you were right, the 'r' is silent.